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Exam Code: 9L0-518
Exam Name: Apple (OS X Server Essentials 10.8 Exam)
One year free update, No help, Full refund!
Total Q&A: 116 Questions and Answers
Last Update: 2013-11-24
9L0-518 Free Demo Download:
NO.1 Which statement best describes how Time Machine stores files from an OS X Mountain Lion
computer, when backing up to a directly-connected FireWire hard disk drive?
A. Each file is saved to the external hard disk once. File changes are stored in a database on the
external hard disk.
B. Each file is rewritten to the external hard disk during each backup.
C. Each file is saved to the external hard disk once. Files that do not change between backups are
represented by hard linksto save space.
D. Each file is saved to the external hard disk once. Files that do not change between backups are
represented by symbolic links tosave space.
Answer: C
Apple pdf 9L0-518 demo 9L0-518 9L0-518
NO.2 If you use the Get Info window to change Sharing & Permissions settings on a file or folder,
preserves and can revert to the previous settings until the window is closed.
A. True
B. False
Answer: A
Apple exam simulations 9L0-518 demo 9L0-518 exam dumps 9L0-518 test
NO.3 What advantage is gained by configuring the Contacts service in OS X Server to provide LDAP
A. It lets admins integrate Microsoft Exchange Server with the Contacts service.
B. It enables third-party contact management apps to be integrated with the Contacts service.
C. It eliminates the need for users to configure the Contacts app to perform LDAP searches.
D. It lets the Contacts service sync contact modifications to the LDAP server.
Answer: C
Apple study guide 9L0-518 9L0-518 9L0-518 practice test 9L0-518
NO.4 When a user logs in, which task is NOT performed by the user's loginwindow or launchd
A. Launch items in /Library/LaunchDaemons.
B. Launch Dock and Finder.
C. Launch Login Items specified in Users & Groups preferences.
D. Configure input device and system settings according to System Preferences.
Answer: A
Apple test answers 9L0-518 study guide 9L0-518
NO.5 Which statement about Gatekeeper is TRUE?
A. Gatekeeper can ONLY be disabled using a configuration profile.
B. Standard users can bypass Gatekeeper.
C. Only the root user can disable Gatekeeper.
D. Only administrator users can bypass Gatekeeper.
Answer: D
Apple 9L0-518 exam simulations 9L0-518 9L0-518
NO.6 In OS X Mountain Lion, which TWO types of file service hosts can you browse in the Network
folder? (Select 2)
Answer: B,E
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NO.7 You want to secure the communication between the Calendar service in OS X Server and its
Calendar clients in OS X Mountain Lion. In Server app, which of these can you use to achieve
your goal?
A. A complex global password policy
B. An SSH tunnel
C. An SSL certificate and the HTTPS protocol
D. A Kerberos Ticket Granting Ticket (TGT)
Answer: C
Apple exam dumps 9L0-518 9L0-518 9L0-518 exam simulations
NO.8 What is the minimum amount of RAM required to install and run OS X Server on an OS X
Mountain Lion computer?
A. 2 GB
B. 4 GB
C. 6 GB
D. 8 GB
Answer: A
Apple 9L0-518 9L0-518 9L0-518 9L0-518
NO.9 Using Server app, you are configuring email alerts to be sent to an OS X Server system
administrator. Which TWO of these server events can you set to trigger an alert? (Select 2)
A. A user has exceeded his or her assigned disk quota for file sharing.
B. New software updates are available for the server.
C. An unsuccessful attempt was made to log in with the root account.
D. A certificate has expired or is about to expire.
E. The number of files on the server has exceeded a specified number.
Answer: A,B
Apple questions 9L0-518 braindump 9L0-518 9L0-518 original questions 9L0-518
NO.10 Which statement best describes the function of Gatekeeper?
A. To prevent users from opening untrusted applications.
B. To prevent users from downloading untrusted applications.
C. To prevent users from installing untrusted applications.
D. To prevent users from installing viruses and trojan horses.
Answer: A
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