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Exam Code: MB6-527
Exam Name: Microsoft (GP 10.0 Installation and Configuration)
One year free update, No help, Full refund!
Total Q&A: 60 Questions and Answers
Last Update: 2014-01-02
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NO.1 Which of the following SQL Server components must be installed to install a basic instance of the
Microsoft Dynamics GP application from CD1?
A.SQL Server Database Services and Analysis Services
B.SQL Server Database Services and Workstation Components
C.SQL Server Database Services and Reporting Services
D.SQL Server Database Services, Workstation Components, and Analysis Services
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NO.2 The services account specified during the installation of Microsoft SQL Server can be which of the
following types of accounts? Choose the 2 that apply.
A.Domain User
B.Dynamics GP User
C.Local System User
D.Administrator or Dynamics GP User
Answer:A C
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NO.3 Certain administrative tasks in Microsoft Dynamics GP are required to be performed by the sa user or
DYNSA login. The sa user account is the System Administrator. What is DYNSA?
A.Local Administrator
B.Database Owner
C.Database Security Administrator
D.Database Server Administrator
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NO.4 When planning the account framework for Microsoft Dynamics GP, what must be considered?
A.Maximum account length of 66 characters, no maximum number of segments, no maximum storage
B.Maximum account length of 66 characters, maximum of 10 segments, storage size of 82 bytes
C.No maximum account length, maximum of 10 segments, storage size of 82 bytes
D.Maximum account length of 60 characters, maximum of 10 segments, storage size of 100 bytes
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NO.5 SQL Server collations contain which of the following components?
A.Character Set, SQL Version, Sort Order
B.Character Set, Network Libraries, Locale Specific Settings
C.Character Set, Sort Order, Language
D.Character Set, Sort Order, Locale Specific Settings
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NO.6 Which of the following authentication modes is required during the Microsoft SQL Server installation to
use Microsoft Dynamics GP?
A.SQL Server Authentication
B.Windows Authentication
C.Mixed Mode Authentication
D.Windows Authentication and Mixed Mode
Microsoft MB6-527 MB6-527 test MB6-527
NO.7 The system database is successfully initialized. In SQL Server Management Studio, which of the
following items are created? Choose the 2 that apply.
A.TWO database
B.DYNAMICS database
Answer:B D
Microsoft test MB6-527 MB6-527 questions
NO.8 The installation of Microsoft SQL Server 2005 is complete. Which of the following post installation steps
are recommended? Choose the 2 that apply.
A.Install Microsoft Dynamics GP
B.Install the latest SQL Server Service Pack
C.Back up the Master database
D.Create a Test database
Answer:B C
Microsoft MB6-527 answers real questions MB6-527 test answers MB6-527
NO.9 Which of the following are required SQL collation methods for Microsoft Dynamics GP? Choose the 2
that apply.
A.SQL_Latin1_General_Cp1_CS_AS (Sort Order 51)
B.SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS (Sort Order 52)
C.SQL_Latin1_General_Cp437_BIN (Sort Order 30)
D.Latin1_General_BIN (Sort Order 50)
Answer:B D
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NO.10 Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express is installed and used together with Microsoft Dynamics GP. Which
of the following items are limitations regarding the implementation? Choose the 2 that apply.
A.Maximum of three company databases
B.Maximum database size of 4 GB
C.Limit of 10 named users for Microsoft Dynamics GP
D.Limit of 10 concurrent users for Microsoft Dynamics GP
Answer:B D
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Article Link: http://www.itcertking.com/MB6-527_exam.html