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Exam Code: ITIL-F
Exam Name: EXIN (ITIL Foundation)
One year free update, No help, Full refund!
Total Q&A: 215 Questions and Answers
Last Update: 2013-09-22
ITIL-F Free Demo Download:
NO.1 Which role is responsible for carrying out the activities of a process?
A.Process owner
B.Change manager
C.Service manager
D.Process practitioner
Answer: D
EXIN ITIL-F ITIL-F ITIL-F certification training
NO.2 Which two processes will contribute MOST to enabling effective problem detection?
A.Incident and financial management
B.Change and release and deployment management
C.Incident and event management
D.Knowledge and service level management
Answer: C
EXIN ITIL-F practice test ITIL-F ITIL-F test answers ITIL-F demo
NO.3 At which stage of the service lifecycle should the processes necessary to operate a new service be
A.Service design: Design the processes
B.Service strategy: Develop the offerings
C.Service transition: Plan and prepare for deployment
D.Service operation: IT operations management
Answer: A
EXIN answers real questions ITIL-F ITIL-F certification ITIL-F exam prep
NO.4 Which of the following options is a hierarchy that is used in knowledge management?
A.Wisdom - Information - Data - Knowledge
B.Data - Information - Knowledge - Wisdom
C.Knowledge - Wisdom - Information - Data
D.Information - Data - Knowledge - Wisdom
Answer: B
EXIN ITIL-F exam dumps ITIL-F exam dumps ITIL-F
NO.5 Which process or function is responsible for monitoring activities and events in the IT infrastructure?
A.Service level management
B.IT operations management
C.Capacity management
D.Incident management
Answer: B
EXIN demo ITIL-F ITIL-F ITIL-F braindump
NO.6 The design of IT services requires the effective and efficient use of "the four Ps". What are these four
A.People, process, partners, performance
B.Performance, process, products, plans
C.People, process, products, partners
D.People, products, plans, partners
Answer: C
EXIN certification training ITIL-F certification ITIL-F certification training
NO.7 Which of the following is an objective of business relationship management?
A.To identify patterns of business activity
B.To ensure high levels of customer satisfaction
C.To secure funding to manage the provision of services
D.To ensure strategic plans for IT services exist
Answer: B
NO.8 Which of the following would be used to communicate a high level description of a major change that
involved significant cost and risk to the organization?
A.Change proposal
B.Change policy
C.Service request
D.Risk register
Answer: A
EXIN ITIL-F practice test ITIL-F exam ITIL-F
NO.9 Why are public frameworks, such as 1TIL, attractive when compared to proprietary knowledge?
A.Proprietary knowledge may be difficult to adopt, replicate or transfer since it is often undocumented
B.Public frameworks are always cheaper to adopt
C.Public frameworks are prescriptive and tell you exactly what to do
D.Proprietary knowledge has been tested in a wide range of environments
Answer: A
EXIN ITIL-F ITIL-F certification training ITIL-F
NO.10 Which of the following BEST describes service strategies value to the business?
A.Allows higher volumes of successful change
B.Reduction in unplanned costs through optimized handling of service outages
C.Reduction in the duration and frequency of service outages
D.Enabling the service provider to have a clear understanding of what levels of service will make their
customers successful
Answer: D
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