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Exam Code: OMG-OCUP-200
Exam Name: OMG (OMG-Certified UML Professional Intermediate Exam)
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Total Q&A: 154 Questions and Answers
Last Update: 2013-09-27
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NO.1 What situation results from performing a CreateObjectAction on an abstract class?
A. arbitrary object of one of its subclasses being created
B. undefined behavior
C. object of the specified class being created
D. error log entry being created
E. exception being raised
Answer: B
NO.2 What kind of element is a central buffer?
A. activity
B. control node
C. action
D. object node
E. state
F. behavior
Answer: D
OMG practice test OMG-OCUP-200 OMG-OCUP-200 OMG-OCUP-200 OMG-OCUP-200 exam simulations
NO.3 What statement is true if a port delegates to multiple ports on subordinate components?
A. multiple delegation is not allowed
B. subordinate ports must collectively offer the delegated functionality of the delegating port
C. subordinate ports must be type compatible with the delegating port
D. at execution time, signals will be delivered from the subordinate ports to the delegating port
Answer: B
OMG original questions OMG-OCUP-200 OMG-OCUP-200 certification
NO.4 What does a circle with an X in it (as depicted in the exhibit) represent inside UML 2.0 activity
A. initial nodes
B. activity final nodes
C. merges
D. forks
E. joins
F. decisions
G. flow final nodes
Answer: G
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NO.5 What is a combined fragment?
A. more than one interaction combined in an interaction overview diagram
B. an interaction occurrence covering more than one lifeline
C. the combination of decomposed lifelines
D. a construct with interaction operands and an interaction operator
Answer: D
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NO.6 Triggers on two different transitions originating from two states at different levels of the same state are
simultaneously enabled (as shown in the exhibit). What does this mean?
A. The state machine is not well-formed.
B. The less deeply nested transition takes precedence over those with more depth.
C. More deeply nested transitions take precedence over those with less depth.
D. Both transitions are taken in arbitrary order.
Answer: C
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NO.7 What indicates an artifact instance in UML notation? (Choose two)
A. class box with two smaller rectangles on its left side
B. <<artifact>> keyword
C. memo box
D. single sheet icon with a folded-over corner
E. syntactically well-formed file name
Answer: B,D
NO.8 What kinds of arrows connect to central buffers?
A. control flows
B. unidirectional associations
C. object flows
D. state transitions
E. message passing
F. dependencies
Answer: C
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NO.9 When an object invokes a ReadSelfAction, what will it retrieve?
A. name of the invoking activity
B. class name of the invoking object
C. invoking object
D. attribute values and links for the invoking object
E. attribute values for the invoking object
Answer: B
OMG OMG-OCUP-200 OMG-OCUP-200 test answers OMG-OCUP-200
NO.10 What is true when invoking a CreateObjectAction?
A. State machine transitions can be triggered.
B. The classifier cannot be an association class.
C. The classifier cannot be abstract.
D. Initial expressions can be evaluated.
E. Behaviors can be executed.
Answer: C
OMG OMG-OCUP-200 demo OMG-OCUP-200 demo OMG-OCUP-200
NO.11 When either a message m or a message q is to be sent-but not both-what kind of operator for combined
fragment would be used?
A. opt
B. par
C. alt
D. break
E. var
Answer: C
OMG OMG-OCUP-200 OMG-OCUP-200 OMG-OCUP-200 test answers
NO.12 What is NOT a correct assertion?
A. Stereotypes extending a model element can be retracted at any time.
B. Un-applying a profile from a model deletes all related stereotypes extending the model.
C. Stereotypes extending a model element are immutable.
D. A model element can be extended by several stereotypes at the same time.
Answer: C
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NO.13 What is the difference between a stereotype and a metaclass?
A. A metaclass is a limited kind of a stereotype that can only be used in conjunction with one of the
stereotypes it limits.
B. Stereotypes can be specialized, but metaclasses cannot be specialized.
C. Metaclasses can be specialized, but stereotypes cannot be specialized.
D. A stereotype is a specialization of a metaclass that can be used by itself, whereas a metaclass must be
used with a stereotype.
E. A stereotype is a limited kind of a metaclass that can be only be used in conjunction with one of the
metaclasses it extends.
Answer: E
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NO.14 Assume that !p means sending message p and ?p receiving it. In the exhibit, what is true about Mneg?
A. Neither p nor q should be sent between a and b.
B. <!p, ?q, ?p, !q> is an invalid trace according to Mneg.
C. p and q should not be sent concurrently from a to b.
D. <!p, !q, ?p, ?q> is an invalid trace according to Mneg.
Answer: D
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NO.15 What is NOT true of a CreateObjectAction?
A. classifier must be abstract
B. classifier cannot be abstract
C. classifier cannot be an association class
D. output pin has multiplicity [1..1]
E. type of the output pin is the classifier.
F. output pin has multiplicity [1..*]
Answer: A,F
NO.16 For what does an interaction operator define semantics?
A. a particular interaction fragment
B. a particular interaction
C. a particular message
D. a particular combined fragment
Answer: D
OMG answers real questions OMG-OCUP-200 certification training OMG-OCUP-200 OMG-OCUP-200
NO.17 What does a loop node consist of?
A. clauses
B. partitions
C. parameters
D. bodyPart nodes
E. behaviors
F. guards
Answer: D
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NO.18 What does reaching the terminating pseudostate mean?
A. The final state has been reached.
B. The enclosing region is completed.
C. The "do" activity of the current state has completed.
D. A completion transition has occurred.
E. The context object of the state machine is terminated.
Answer: E
OMG questions OMG-OCUP-200 OMG-OCUP-200
NO.19 What characteristic does a behavior port possess?
A. owns the behavior of the classifier that owns the port
B. defines the behavior that the owning classifier must realize
C. has its own behavior that is distinct from the behavior of the classifier
D. relays any incoming messages directly to the behavior of the owning object
E. must have a protocol state machine
F. is a kind of behavior
Answer: D
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NO.20 Which relationships would make the model in the exhibit ill-formed.?
A. SpecialOrder and Order are related to each other via an association.
B. SpecialOrder is a subtype of Order.
C. Order is a subtype of SpecialOrder.
D. SpecialOrder and Order are related to each other via a dependency.
Answer: C
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