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Exam Code: 000-379
Exam Name: IBM (IBM WebShpere Integration Developer V6.2,Solution Developme)
One year free update, No help, Full refund!
Total Q&A: 55 Questions and Answers
Last Update: 2013-11-09
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NO.1 Which activities require usage of a long-running process?
A. Wait
B. Receive Choice
C. Collaboration Scope
D. Asynchronous invocation
E. More than one Receive or Receive Choice activity.
Answer: AE
IBM 000-379 certification training 000-379 pdf 000-379 000-379 000-379
NO.2 An integration solution includes a business process which needs to invoke a business service. This
service is going to be replaced in a certain known date and time, when a new third party provider will take
ownership of it, honoring a three year contract which starts right at that date. Old and new services do not
differ in terms of their interface.
What is the best way to implement the business process binding to the services?
A. Configure and invoke a Selector for switching services at the specific date and time.
B. Configure and invoke Selector for switching services at the specific date and time, using a mediation
for request routing.
C. Develop and invoke a mediation which routes to the old or new service depending on the request time.
D. Develop and invoke a mediation which routes the request to a Selector, which must be configured for
switching services at the specific date and time.
Answer: A
IBM test questions 000-379 exam 000-379 000-379 000-379 practice test
NO.3 An integration developer has been given the task of training a group of new developers who have no
experience with WebSphere Integration Developer.
Which statements are most likely to be included in the training presentation introducing human task and
their usage in WebSphere Integration Developer?
A. Stand-alone tasks are invoked as a service and can invoke other services.
B. Stand-alone tasks do not have direct access to process-related information.
C. Inline human tasks are SCA component activity.
D. Inline human tasks can not be used to create human task for process administration.
E. Inline tasks can not be used to apply permissions to BPEL activities like invoke, receive etc.
Answer: AB
IBM 000-379 exam 000-379
NO.4 A BPEL process is in an SCA module which as been configured to depend on a Java project. The
Java project contains a JAR file and that JAR file is set up as a library in the Java class path properties of
the Java project.
Which one of the following statements is true?
A. Assets in the JAR will be shared by-copy.
B. Assets in the JAR will be shared by-reference.
C. Deep nesting of the JAR file creates an unsupported circular reference.
D. References to classes in the JAR file within a Java snippet will result in compilation errors.
Answer: A
IBM practice test 000-379 000-379 000-379 dumps
NO.5 An integration developer is developing a solution which must make use of an existing Web service. The
Web service provider sent a complete WSDL (including XSDs, port types, bindings) for allowing the
solution to consume it.
How can the developer create the corresponding Interface and Web Service Port on WebSphere
Integration Developer?
A. Import the WSDL (Import wizard, Web Services ? Web Service), which automatically will create Web
service Port and Interface according to the WSDL
B. Import the WSDL (Import wizard, Web Services ? Web Service) in order to get the correct Web Service
Port, then manually create the Interface according to the provider Web service characteristics
C. Import the WSDL file (Import wizard, General ? File System), open the WSDL with the WSDL editor
and use the information in it to create Web Service Port and Interface
D. Import the WSDL (Import wizard, Business Integration ? WSDL/Interface), then manually create Web
Service Port
E. Import the WSDL (Import wizard, Business Integration ? WSDL/Interface), which automatically will
create Web Service Port and Interface according to the WSDL
Answer: E
IBM questions 000-379 000-379 000-379 dumps 000-379
NO.6 An integration solution includes a business process which needs to poll an FTP server for detecting a
specific CSV file creation. As the file gets created, it must be parsed and its data must be stored in a
Business Object. This Business Object is then processed in the Business Process according to the
process logic.
How would the integration developer most effectively implement this?
A. Use the FTP Adapter in a mediation and XSLT primitives to convert the CSV file to a Business Object.
B. Develop a Web service wrapping the FTP protocol and invoke it through a mediation which uses XSLT
primitives to convert the CSV file to a Business Object.
C. Use the FTP Adapter in a mediation and Business Object Map primitives to convert the CSV file to a
Business Object.
D. Use the FTP Adapter combined with a data handler responsible for transforming from the file content to
the Business Object.
Answer: D
IBM 000-379 original questions 000-379 braindump 000-379
NO.7 Refer to the Exhibit.
Which statement correctly describes the configuration?
A. It is not possible for Snippet4 and Snippet 6 to run in parallel.
B. Snippet6 and Snippet8 can run in parallel.
C. The business process contains a deadlock.
D. The process will not compile if it is configured to be short running.
Answer: A
IBM 000-379 000-379 exam prep 000-379 answers real questions
NO.8 A solution developer is planning the design of a web based music catalog that allows users to listen to
music via an online streaming feature, or to purchase individual selections for download.
What approach would the solution developer take when organizing the work in WebSphere Integration
Developer in order to maximize the reuse potential of the solution?
A. Place the streaming logic in one module and the download logic in a separate module, then place the
common interface files in a library.
B. Place the streaming logic and the download logic in the same integration solution, then place the
interface files in separate libraries.
C. Use two libraries to keep the interfaces of both services separate, then place the application logic of
both services into a single module.
D. Use a single integration solution to store and deploy the entire application, then separate the backend
logic into separate modules.
Answer: A
IBM 000-379 certification training 000-379
NO.9 Refer to the Exhibit.
An integration developer has designed and implemented business objects like the ones in the Exhibit.
Assuming the integration developer needs to write a service as a Java component which needs to read
the first ordered item warehouse, which one of the following code fragments is appropriate (assume order
is a DataObject which actually stores the order)?
A. order.get("orderedItems[0]/warehouseId")
B. ((DataObject)order.get ("orderedItems")[0]).getInt("warehouseId")
C. (((DataObject[])order.get("orderedItems"))[0]).getInt("warehouseId")
D. ((DataObject)order.getList("orderedItems").get(0)).getInt("warehouseId")}
Answer: D
IBM 000-379 000-379 answers real questions 000-379 study guide 000-379 demo
NO.10 An integration developer is implementing a solution and needs to create a Business Object "Customer"
using Java snippets.
What is the correct way to accomplish this task?
A. Use to create a Customer BODataObject, which is a Business Object,
in the appropriate namespace.
B. Use to get BOFactory and use BOFactory to create the Customer
Business Object in the appropriate namespace.
C. Use to create a Customer BODataObject, which is a
Business Object, in the appropriate namespace.
D. Use to get BOFactory and use BOFactory to create the
Customer Business Object in the appropriate namespace.
Answer: D
IBM certification 000-379 000-379 test questions
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