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Exam Code: ICBB
Exam Name: IASSC (IASSC Certified Lean Six Sigma Black Belt)
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Total Q&A: 300 Questions and Answers
Last Update: 2013-11-11
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NO.1 When a Belt Poka-Yoke’s a defect out of the process entirely then she should track the activity
with a robust SPC system on the characteristic of interest in the defect as an early warning
A. True
B. False
Answer: B
IASSC original questions ICBB practice test ICBB ICBB dumps ICBB
NO.2 Following the completion of a LSS project the Belt not only creates a Control Plan he also
develops a _____________ so those involved in the process know what to do when the critical
metrics move out of spec.
A. Response Plan
B. Call List
C. Chain-of-Command
D. Defect Analysis Plan
Answer: A
IASSC test questions ICBB questions ICBB ICBB exam dumps ICBB
NO.3 Range Charts are the technique used to determine if Special Causes are occurring within the
subgroups of the ______________.
A. Histograms
B. SPC Charts
C. NP Charts
D. Pareto Charts
Answer: B
IASSC test questions ICBB ICBB ICBB certification ICBB
NO.4 For her injection molding project a Belt needed to track the percentage of defectives of a
sample set so she used a ___________ to display the data?
A. Individual Chart
B. C Chart
C. Xbar Chart
D. P Chart
Answer: D
NO.5 Special Cause Variation falls into which two categories?
A. Natural & Unnatural
B. Short Term & Long Term
C. Assignable & Pattern
D. Attribute & Discreet
Answer: C
IASSC ICBB ICBB practice test ICBB test answers
NO.6 A ___________ is used primarily to track the stability of the average value of a metric of
A. NP Chart
B. Xbar-R Chart
C. I-MR Chart
D. C Chart
Answer: B
IASSC answers real questions ICBB braindump ICBB braindump ICBB exam prep ICBB exam simulations ICBB
NO.7 Which of these graphs demonstrates conditions which would be sufficient to enable OCAP for
A. Xbar Chart
B. Time Series Chart
C. Neither
D. Both
Answer: A
IASSC exam prep ICBB answers real questions ICBB practice test
NO.8 If the production is for higher volume and monitoring and the Mean and variability is to be
monitored for four machines producing product and the characteristic to be monitored is Variable
Data, which SPC Chart is best to be selected?
A. Xbar-R Chart
B. Individual-MR Chart
C. NP Chart
D. CUSUM Chart
Answer: A
IASSC ICBB braindump ICBB dumps
NO.9 Control Charts were developed by Dr. Shewhart to track data over time. To detect Special
variation the Control Charts use which of these?
A. Data shift analysis
B. Outlier analysis methods
C. Center Line and Control Limits
D. None of the above
Answer: C
IASSC exam prep ICBB ICBB ICBB exam prep
NO.10 Common and ______________ Cause Variation are the focus of Statistical Process Control.
A. Uncommon
B. Ordinary
C. Special
D. Selective
Answer: C
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Article Link: http://www.itcertking.com/ICBB_exam.html