
ITCertKing IBM LOT-956 exam practice questions and answers

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Exam Code: LOT-956
Exam Name: IBM (IBM Lotus Notes Domino 8.5 System Administration Update.)
One year free update, No help, Full refund!
Total Q&A: 102 Questions and Answers
Last Update: 2013-11-09

ITCertKing's senior team of experts has developed training materials for IBM LOT-956 exam.Through ITCertKing's training and learning passing IBM certification LOT-956 exam will be very simple. ITCertKing can 100% guarantee you pass your first time to participate in the IBM certification LOT-956 exam successfully. And you will find that our practice questions will appear in your actual exam. When you choose our help, ITCertKing can not only give you the accurate and comprehensive examination materials, but also give you a year free update service.

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NO.1 You want to enable early authentication for all new users after Lotus Notes 8.5 Standard has been
installed.What steps are needed to achieve this:
A.It is enabled by default.
B.Set the parameter EARLY_AUTHENTICATION_ENABLED=1 in the users' notes.ini.
C.Set the option in the security settings document in a policy that will be applied to the end user.
D.Change the target in the Lotus Notes shortcut on the users' desktops to point to nlnotes.exe instead of
Answer: A

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NO.2 James is the administrator of ABC company and wants to deploy ID vault.In which order should he
perform the steps i.use policies to assign user IDs to the vault ii.create the vault database on a server,
iii.specify which user organizations trust the vault and assign password reset authority, iv.create the vault
ID file and specify at least one vault administrator,
A.ii, iv, iii, i
B.iii, ii, iv, i
C.ii, iii, iv, i
D.Steps not complete
Answer: A

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NO.3 While creating the ID vault, you must configure the organizations that trust the vault for ID
storage.Which of the following does this create?
A.An AdminP request is created
B.ID vault administrator accounts
C.Vault trust certificates in the Domino Directory
D.Certifier ID files of the organizations or organizational units with vault trust certificates
Answer: C

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NO.4 Your development team has modified the client download site for Lotus Traveler.All of the changes,
though, are not being seen as the server is still pointing to the old directory and files.You have
successfully modified the Home URL in the Internet Site Document.Which of the following must also be
A.The servlet utilized by the Domino Web server
B.The NTS_WEBSITE_HOME parameter in the notes.ini file
C.Disable Internet Site documents in the Domino server
D.Make TCP port 8642 available to all users to see the new site documents
Answer: B

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NO.5 Creating an ID vault on your Domino server requires: Administrator access to the server on which you
create it Editor access to the Domino Directory and which of the following?
A.Create databases and templates access
B.Membership in the ID Vault Admins group
C.The ID Vault Admin role in the Domino Directory
D.Specifying multiple Domino servers to host the ID Vault database
Answer: A

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NO.6 In databases that use DAOS, Domino performs which of the following with every document with an
A.Domino saves a separate and complete copy
B.Domino saves a reference to each attached file
C.Domino creates a field in the document called $DAOSnopurge
D.Domino copies the attachment to a central repository and leaves a copy attached to the document
E.Domino splits the attachment into smaller sections and compresses each section and file reference
Answer: B

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NO.7 Which of the following notes.ini variables must be in place to enable the Domino Attachment and Object
Service on your Domino server?
Answer: C

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NO.8 Terry is working on a document in a database on a server that is DAOS- enabled.While in the document,
Terry replaces the attachment with a new version.Which of the following occurs to the attachment in the
DAOS store?
A.The server adjusts references to the attachment in DAOS
B.The server removes the reference from all mail files that pointed to that original file reference
C.The server removes the previous attachment entirely from DAOS and inserts the link to the new
D.The server uploads the full previous attachment to all user mail files that pointed to that original file
Answer: A

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NO.9 Domino Attachment and Object Service is supported on each of the following, EXCEPT?
A.Mail.box databases
B.DB2 enabled databases
C.Non-mail file databases
D.Domino servers hosted on an operating system in a virtual environment
Answer: B

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NO.10 After enabling DAOS for a mail database on your server, which of the following compact tasks must be
run on the database to complete the initialization for DAOS on that database?
C.Revert database
D.Discard view indexes
Answer: B

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NO.11 Each of the following is true about the ID vault EXCEPT;
A.Smartcard-enabled IDs cannot be stored in a vault.
B.You can not use the CA process when registering users into the vault.
C.Performing certificate authority key rollover on certifier IDs is not supported.
D.You cannot use the CA process when creating cross-certificates that are needed to establish vault trust
and password reset
Answer: B

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NO.12 Users are able to change settings for their own devices in Lotus Traveler; however, the synchronization
default settings for all users comes from which of the following files?
Answer: A

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NO.13 Your Domino server has been configured for DAOS, and all mailfiles have also been enabled
successfully.In which of the following times will consolidation occur when a user saves an attachment that
meets the defined DAOS size settings?
B.The next time the DAOS service runs
C.After the user closes the current Notes session
D.By the schedule defined in the server configuration document
Answer: A

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NO.14 Which version of Domino is the earliest version of Domino that DCT (Domino Configuration Tuner) can
be run on to evaluate settings?
A.Domino 7.0.0
B.Domino 8.0.0
C.Domino 8.5.0
D.Domino 6.5.0
Answer: A

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NO.15 Domino 8.5 includes both Domino server roaming and file server roaming as an option in this release
for end users. You wish to upgrade one group of users to Domino roaming and another group to file server
roaming.How would you do this?
A.Domino server roaming and file server roaming can only be performed from a policy and not from the
Admin client.
B.Domino server roaming and file server roaming can only be performed from the Admin client, and not a
C.Domino server roaming is performed from the Admin client, and file server roaming is performed from a
D.Domino server roaming is performed from a policy, and file server roaming is performed from the Admin
Answer: C

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