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Exam Code: LOT-913
Exam Name: IBM (Developing Websites with IBM Lotus Web Content Mgmt 7.0)
One year free update, No help, Full refund!
Total Q&A: 85 Questions and Answers
Last Update: 2013-11-12
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NO.1 Parker is a Lotus Web Content Management administrator. Sadie is a content contributor who creates
and manages content. When looking through versions of a content item, which of the following
functionality is available only to Parker?
A. Delete
B. Preview
C. Label
D. Restore as published
Answer: D
IBM LOT-913 braindump LOT-913 test answers
NO.2 Kellan is a content creator. He is creating Job Posting content items. The content items should only be
published on the live website until the end of the current month. Kellan specifies an expiry date on the
content items for the end of the current month. What also must be done to ensure that the content is
removed from the live website on that date?
A. An administrator must delete the content item from the library on that date.
B. The expiry date must be set in a Date Component that should be added to the content item.
C. The content item's selected workflow must include an expire action.
D. Specify the expiry date in the icm.properties file.
Answer: C
IBM demo LOT-913 LOT-913 questions LOT-913
NO.3 Hunter has just created a library on his Workplace Web Content Management server. The News and
Events library is used to hold various press releases and other company news to be posted to the
company intranet. Kimberly, the Marketing person responsible for creating the content, cannot see this
new library in the Authoring portlet. Which of the following statements is the reason that she cannot see
the new library?
A. Kimberly needs to configure the Authoring portlet and update the Library Selection section andadd the
new library.
B. Hunter needs to configure the Authoring portlet and update the Library Selection section andadd the
new library.
C. Kimberly needs to be added to the Workplace Web Content Management administrators group.
Only administrators can work in multiple
D. Hunter needs to modify the wpconfig.properties file and update the WcmLibraries setting toinclude the
newly added library.
Answer: B
IBM exam LOT-913 questions LOT-913 LOT-913 test questions LOT-913
NO.4 Dan is a content creator responsible for adding press release content to his company's website. All his
content goes through the PR Workflow. Today he is creating a special press release that needs to be seen
by several groups that are not normally given access using the PR Workflow.
How can Dan resolve this problem without contacting a developer?
A. Dan cannot resolve this on his own. Dan needs to contact the developer and have him modify the PR
B. From any content view, click More Actions / Update Readers. Dan then adds the appropriate groups to
the content from the Update Readers
C. When creating the content, Dan should click the Read button in the System Defined area of the Access
section. Dan then adds the appropriate
groups to this section.
D. When creating the content, Dan should click the Select Additional Viewers button and add the
appropriate groups. The group is able to read the content item after it is published.
Answer: D
IBM LOT-913 LOT-913 LOT-913 LOT-913
NO.5 George has been given the task of creating a layout for a new page. The page is to have a breadcrumb
that tells users exactly where they are in the website. Which of the following solutions allows George to
accomplish this task?
A. Create a navigator that has the Start Type set to "Current Site Area" and Preceding Siblings Level set
to "All."
B. Create a navigator that has the Start Type set to "Current Site Area" and Ancestor Level set to "All."
C. Create a menu that has the Start Type set to "Current Site Area" and Preceding Siblings Level set to
D. Create a menu that has the Start Type set to "Current Site Area" and Ancestor Level set to "All."
Answer: B
IBM LOT-913 LOT-913 questions LOT-913 study guide LOT-913 LOT-913 exam simulations
NO.6 Christine is a content creator. She has created a content item that has had many modifications made to
it after it was published. She would like to view the modifications that she made to the content item last
month. How can she accomplish this task?
A. Restore the content library to a previous version.
B. Open the content item in Edit mode. Click the Version button, select the version, and click the Preview
C. Create a draft of the content item and select which version to publish. Then, click the Preview button to
view the content's details.
D. Open the content item in Read mode. Click the Version button, select the version, and click the
Preview button.
Answer: D
IBM exam LOT-913 LOT-913 test answers LOT-913 LOT-913
NO.7 When setting up the security for a library, what is the minimum role required to be able to purge items
from the library?
A. Editor
B. Manager
C. Administrator
D. Version Administrator
Answer: B
IBM exam dumps LOT-913 test answers LOT-913 exam
NO.8 Marcel is the administrator for a web content management server. The Marketing department wants to
version all content that they create. What must Marcel do to allow the Marketing department to version
A. Nothing, versioning is automatically enabled.
B. Marcel must enter this URL in a browser:
C. An administrator must modify the wpconfig.properties file and add the following line:
D. Marcel must enter this URL in a browser:
Answer: A
IBM LOT-913 test LOT-913 LOT-913 LOT-913 LOT-913
NO.9 John is an author creating content for the ABC Corporation. After creating the content, he is trying to
preview and verify how the content shows in the website rendered from the same server. But when
previewed, the content is rendered in a new web page without the portal themes and skins.
What must he do to preview in a portal page?
A. To allow users to preview content in portal pages, John must select specific portal pages from the list
located under Allow authors to preview content in the local portal pages selected in Previewing Options
for Authoring portlet. He must also enter the URL to the page in the local portal server in the Allow authors
to preview content using the following URLs section.
B. To allow users to preview content in portal pages, John must select specific portal pages from the list
located under Allow authors to preview content in the local portal pages selected in Previewing Options
for Authoring portlet. The selected pages must contain a web content viewer to display the content.
C. You cannot preview the content as a portal page when authoring content. You must add the content to
the actual page with web content viewer and then directly access the page as a regular user and then
verify the display.
D. John must be a Administrator to preview the content in a portal page.
Answer: B
IBM LOT-913 LOT-913 LOT-913
NO.10 The ABC Company site gets redesigned and content creators are required to edit the site framework
by moving some site areas from one section of the site framework to another. How can this task be done?
A. Content authors must navigate to a site area list and select a site area, click move, then select a library
and the the site area to move to.
B. You cannot move a site area from one library to another.
C. Content authors must navigate to a site area list and select a site area, click Save As, then select a
library and the site area, to save to the new
library. Then, delete the site area in the old library.
D. A site area must not have any content to be moved to another library.
Answer: A
IBM dumps LOT-913 LOT-913
NO.11 Ted has created an HTML component that references an Image component. He wants to change the
image but needs to check that the image is not being used anywhere else. What is the best way for him to
achieve this outcome?
A. Use the Advanced Search capability in Lotus Web Content Management to look for the
component name in any other components.
B. Change the image and check the site to see if any other pages have been affected.
C. Open the Image component and then use the View References -> Show references from item.
This action shows where the image is being
D. Open the Image component and then use the View References -> Show references to item.
This action shows where the image is being used.
Answer: D
IBM exam prep LOT-913 certification LOT-913
NO.12 Which option best describes how you remove content items from site areas that it is linked to.?
A. Delete the linked content to remove all the links.
B. Using the Remove Links button, select a site area and click Remove Links. Then, select the content
items that you would like to remove.
C. Using the Link To button, select the content items to remove links from, then click Link To.Select the
site area that you would like to remove
A link from and then click Remove.
D. Either B or C
Answer: D
IBM test questions LOT-913 LOT-913 dumps LOT-913
NO.13 Matt uses WebDAV as much as possible when working with WebSphere Portal. Which of the following
statements is correct about working with WebDAV?
A. You cannot create a taxonomy via WebDAV, only categories
B. A taxonomy can be deleted, even if it still contains child items option.
C. A taxonomy is created by creating a folder in the form of wcm.taxonomy.<taxonomy name>where
<taxonomy name> is the name of the
taxonomy to be created.
D. No web content management artifacts are accessible using WebDAV.
Answer: C
IBM LOT-913 exam simulations LOT-913 exam LOT-913 certification LOT-913 certification training
NO.14 Eve is the Public Relations Manager for AT Corporation. She needs to post a new Event content object
to their website. At some point in the future, the Event must be removed from the live website, however it
should not be deleted from the repository. Who can accomplish this task, and how can the task be
A. An editor can click the Restart Workflow button.
B. An approver can click the Restart Workflow button.
C. An editor can click the Next Stage button to move the document to the next stage in the
Workflow. The next stage would need to have an Expire
D. An approver can click the Next Stage button to move the document to the next stage in the Workflow.
The next stage would need to have an
Expire action.
Answer: D
IBM LOT-913 LOT-913
NO.15 Which of the following web content management objects can be used to reference site area
A. Menus and navigators
B. Menus and presentation templates
C. Presentation templates and navigators
D. Navigators, presentation templates, and menus
Answer: C
IBM LOT-913 LOT-913
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