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Exam Code: MB6-885
Exam Name: Microsoft (Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Public Sector)
One year free update, No help, Full refund!
Total Q&A: 50 Questions and Answers
Last Update: 2013-11-07
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NO.1 You are employed as an administrator at makes use of Microsoft Dynamics AX
2012 in their production environment.
You are in the process define over-budget permissions for user groups.
What is a TRUE statement regarding this process? (Choose all that apply.)
A. The Prevent processing at over budget threshold setting is applied to all users who are not in a user
B. The Prevent processing at over budget threshold setting is applied to all users who are in a user group.
C. The settings in the Over budget permissions form can be overridden by a budget control rule or budget
D. The settings in the Over budget permissions form cannot be overridden by a budget control rule or
budget group.
Answer: A,C
Microsoft MB6-885 certification training MB6-885 original questions MB6-885
NO.2 You are employed as an administrator at makes use of Microsoft Dynamics AX
2012 in their production environment.
You are in the process of setting up a budget control. You are currently defining the calculation that
determines the budget funds that are available.
You need to include an amount in the calculation that requires the Public Sector configuration key to be
Which of the following is the amount you should choose?
A. Budget revisions.
B. Draft budget revisions.
C. Budget apportionments.
D. Draft budget transfers out.
E. Draft budget transfers in.
Answer: C
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NO.3 You are employed as an administrator at makes use of Microsoft Dynamics AX
2012 in their production environment.
You are in the process of setting up a budget control. You have been instructed to make sure that the
control produces a warning a certain percentage of the budget funds have been depleted.
What two actions you should take? (Choose two.)
A. You should consider configuring the over-budget permissions for user groups setting.
B. You should consider configuring the budget threshold setting.
C. You should consider configuring the use of the Carry-forward budget.
D. You should consider selecting Display a message when exceeding budget threshold check box.
Answer: B,D
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NO.4 You are employed as an administrator at makes use of Microsoft Dynamics AX
2012 in their production environment.
You have been instructed to examine a budget for You are planning to use the Budget control
account detail history report.
What best describes the reason for using this report.?
A. It allows you to view budget account entries for the selected financial dimension.
B. It allows you to view budget account entries for one or more projects from the Project management and
accounting module.
C. It allows you to identify purchase agreements that have vendors and subcontractors who have not
submitted necessary certification information or whose certification is nearing its expiration date.
D. It allows you to budget balances for the original budget, revised budget, actual expenditures, and
Answer: A
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NO.5 You are employed as an administrator at makes use of Microsoft Dynamics AX
2012 in their production environment.
You are in the process of configuring budget control for apportionments in Public sector AX 2012. You
have previously specified budget codes for the apportionment budget type.
You then selected the Use only apportioned amount check box.
Which of the following is TRUE with regards to this setting? (Choose all that apply.)
A. It enables the other check boxes under Amounts to sum.
B. It disables the other check boxes under Amounts to sum.
C. It causes the budget funds available calculation to only include apportioned amounts in the amounts to
D. It prevents the budget funds available calculation from including only apportioned amounts in the
amounts to sum.
Answer: A,C
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