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Exam Code: 000-183
Exam Name: IBM (IBM WebSphere Mesage Broker V7.0, Solution Development)
One year free update, No help, Full refund!
Total Q&A: 114 Questions and Answers
Last Update: 2013-11-12

There are many ways to help you pass IBM certification 000-183 exam and selecting a good pathway is a good protection. ITCertKing can provide you a good training tool and high-quality reference information for you to participate in the IBM certification 000-183 exam. ITCertKing's practice questions and answers are based on the research of IBM certification 000-183 examination Outline. Therefore, the high quality and high authoritative information provided by ITCertKing can definitely do our best to help you pass IBM certification 000-183 exam. ITCertKing will continue to update the information about IBM certification 000-183 exam to meet your need.

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NO.1 In a message flow, a developer needs to enrich an employee's record with information from a
database.Consider this input message.
Which of the ESQL statements in the response options will produce the following output message?
A.SET OutputRoot.XMLNSC.Employee.Name[] = (SELECT ITEM E.EmpName from Database.Employee
as E where E.EmpNumber = InputBody.Employee.Number);
B.SET OutputRoot.XMLNSC.Employee.Name[] = (SELECT E.EmpName AS Name from
Database.Employee as E where E.EmpNumber = InputBody.Employee.Number);
C.SET OutputRoot.XMLNSC.Employee = THE(SELECT E.EmpName from Database.Employee as E
where E.EmpNumber = InputBody.Employee.Number);
D.SET OutputRoot.XMLNSC.Employee = THE(SELECT ITEM E.EmpName AS Name from
Database.Employee as E where E.EmpNumber = InputBody.Employee.Number);
Answer: A

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NO.2 View the Exhibit:
The above flow processes a large incoming file line by line once every four hours.Performance is
unsatisfactory even though the server has spare memory and unused processors.Configuring additional
instances does not improve this.The following pair of flows was suggested by an architect.The first flow
will slice the incoming file into messages without any further processing, which is to be done by the
second flow.
What is the expected outcome if the second flow is configured with a large number of additional
A.Throughput will improve somewhat.Message sequence will not be affected.
B.Throughput will be unaffecte
D.Message sequence will most likely be affected.
C.Throughput will improve significantly.Message sequence will most likely be affected.
D.Throughput will deteriorate slightly due to the extra queuing.Message sequence will not be affected.
Answer: C

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NO.3 The following flow processes data from an input queue and builds a file.A Timeout Notification node
has been configured to send a message to the Finish File ¯ s t e r m i na l o f t he ile Output node once every
hour.As a result, a file named hourly Record Collection.dat will be written to theFinish File terminal of the
File Output node once every hour.As a result, a file named hourly Record Collection.dat?will be written to
the designated destination directory.
It is expected the previous file will be removed before the next file is written in its place.If this has not
happened, what are the options available to the solution developer on the File Output node?
A.Overwrite (replace) the old file or append to the old file.
B.Overwrite (replace) the old file or rename the old file in place by adding a timestamp or throw an
C.Overwrite (replace) the old file or archive the old file with or without a time stamp appended to the file
name or throw an exception.
D.Overwrite (replace) the old file or append to the old file or archive the old file (with or without a time
stamp appended to the file name.)
Answer: C

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NO.4 Which Message Broker artifact type is not analyzed by Impact Analysis?
Answer: B

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NO.5 A message flow reads a file, record by record.Based on the content of each record, it will be propagated
to one or more output queues.The File Input node has the Transaction property set to yes and all output
nodes are configured to be Automatic node has the transaction property set to yes and all output nodes
are configured to be automatic In the event that flow execution is interrupted by a hardware failure, which
one of the following is true?
A.Processing will resume at the beginning of the file; previously created messages will be duplicated.
B.Processing will resume at the beginning of the file; previously created messages will be backed out.
C.Processing of the file resumes at the last checkpoint; any extraneous messages will have been rolled
D.The file will be deleted or archived depending on the setting of the File Input node; unprocessed
records will be missing from the output.
Answer: A

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NO.6 Consider the following ESQL code snippet from a Compute node.
What is the value of OutputRoot.XMLNSC?
C.<Winner Name="Robert"/>
Answer: D

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NO.7 When a message is received by an Input node in a message flow, the message assembly is
created.Which tree or trees are populated when an error free message is received by a FileInput node?
A.The Message tree only.
B.The Message tree and Environment tree.
C.The Message tree and LocalEnvironment tree.
D.The Message tree, Environment tree, LocalEnvironment tree, and ExceptionList tree.
Answer: C

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NO.8 A customer needs to dynamically choose which web service URL to call from a WSDL in the
WebSphere Service Registry and Repository (WSRR), based on a company acronym in the input
message received by Message Broker.Which node should the solution developer choose when
implementing this type of retrieval operation?
Answer: A

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NO.9 A company has decided to use WebSphere Message Broker to integrate several legacy systems which
generate batch files into the company WebSphere MQ backbone.What is the quickest way the developers
can accomplish this task?
A.Build a user defined node.
B.Create a user defined extension.
C.Create a program that processes the batch files into WebSphere MQ messages and then send the
messages to WebSphere Message Broker for processing.
D.Use the Record Distribution to WebSphere MQ one-way built-in pattern.
Answer: D

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NO.10 A large company needs to interface their legacy application with a newly acquired Enterprise
Information System (EIS) application called Siebel CRM.Which transport service will the developer use to
discover metadata and send requests to the EIS system?
A.MQ Link for R3
B.WebSphere Broker Adapters
C.WebSphere Broker File Transport
D.WebSphere Business Integration Adapter
Answer: B

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NO.11 Consider the following two implementations of a request/response pattern.1) Asynchronous with a
separate flow for the response logic using an MQInput node
Synchronous, completing the round trip in the same flow pulling the response message with an MQGet
Which of the following is FALSE?
A.Multiple flow instances will not help throughput in either implementation.
B.The synchronous implementation will require more memory, especially in scenarios with large
messages and high throughput requirements.
C.Given sufficient resources, the synchronous implementation will perform better in cases where large
amounts of data (i

