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Exam Code: QAWI201V3.0
Exam Name: Business-Objects (Business Objects Certified Professional Web Intelligence XI 3.0)
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Total Q&A: 98 Questions and Answers
Last Update: 2014-02-13
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NO.1 Which tab should you use to change the page orientation of a report?
A.Click File > Page Setup and select "Page Orientation"
B.In InfoView Preferences, change the default page orientation
C.Select the report tab; in Report Manager, select the "Properties" tab and select the "Page Orientation"
D.Select the report page; in Report Manager, select the "Properties" tab and select the "Page Orientation"
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NO.2 You are working with a previously saved document and you have deleted a logical operator. Which two
methods can you use to recover the logical operator? (Choose two.)
A.Rebuild the filters.
B.Click the Undo button in the Query panel.
C.From the Tools menu, select Recover Operator.
D.Close the Query panel without executing and then open the query.
Answer:A D
Business-Objects QAWI201V3.0 exam simulations QAWI201V3.0 exam simulations QAWI201V3.0 original questions QAWI201V3.0 braindump
NO.3 Which two operators are available when using wildcards in a query filter? (Choose two.)
B.Matches Pattern
C.Not equals Pattern
D.Different from Pattern
Answer:B D
Business-Objects QAWI201V3.0 QAWI201V3.0 dumps
NO.4 Which three calculations can you use in a measure object in Web Intelligence? (Choose three.)
D.Count All
Answer:A B C
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NO.5 Where is a Web Intelligence variable stored?
A.In the cell
B.In the document
C.In the Metadata Cube
D.In the Central Management Server (CMS)
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NO.6 Which option can you use to convert a table block into a chart in Web Intelligence Rich Client?
A.Right-click the table block and select "Turn To"
B.Click Format > Charts and select "Convert to Chart"
C.Right-click the table block and select "Convert to Chart"
D.Click Tools > Charts and select "Change Table to Chart"
Business-Objects QAWI201V3.0 QAWI201V3.0 QAWI201V3.0 certification
NO.7 Which three elements are parts of a query filter? (Choose three.)
Answer:B C D
Business-Objects exam QAWI201V3.0 exam simulations QAWI201V3.0 test questions QAWI201V3.0 study guide
NO.8 Which method should you use to group query filters together to form one AND statement?
A.Drag the queries together
B.Drag the query filters to the Group panel
C.Select the filters, right-click and select Group
D.Select the filters, then click the Group Filters button on the toolbar
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NO.9 Which two panels can you use to purge data from a BusinessObjects Web Intelligence XI 3.0 document
(WID)? (Choose two.)
C.Active X
D.Slice and Dice
Answer:A B
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NO.10 You are creating a report to summarize the number of cars sold by region. Which object should you use
to aggregate the number of cars sold?
Business-Objects exam simulations QAWI201V3.0 QAWI201V3.0
NO.11 Which panel should you use to view a Document Summary of a BusinessObjects Web Intelligence XI
3.0 document (WID)?
C.Active X
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NO.12 Which three options are valid Page Layout Options in the Properties tab of a document? (Choose
A.Top margin
B.Left margin
C.Page orientation
D.Background color
E.Visited hyperlink colors
Answer:A B C
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NO.13 Your document displays all data in black. Which dialog box should you use to configure the colors of
your document data?
A.Document Palette
B.Document Formats
C.Display Preferences
D.Data Tracking Options
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NO.14 Which two options should you take before you finish creating a variable in Web Intelligence? (Choose
Answer:A D
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NO.15 What happens when you drop a dimension into a blank part of a report that contains two blocks,
without the ALT key selected?
A.A new block is created.
B.A new section is created.
C.An error message is displayed.
D.The currently selected cell is displayed.
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NO.16 Which object types can you merge when using Multi Queries in a Web Intelligence document (WID)?
A.Dimension - Detail
B.Measure - Measure
C.Dimension - Measure
D.Dimension - Dimension
Business-Objects answers real questions QAWI201V3.0 QAWI201V3.0
NO.17 Which three types of local data files can you use to create a BusinessObjects Web Intelligence XI 3.0
document (WID)? (Choose three.)
Answer:A C D
Business-Objects QAWI201V3.0 QAWI201V3.0 QAWI201V3.0 certification training
NO.18 Which two statements are true about the AND operator? (Choose two.)
A.Used when any condition is met by two filters
B.Used when all conditions are met by two filters
C.Used when all conditions are met by more than two filters
D.Used when only one condition is met by any of the filters
Answer:B C
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NO.19 Which message appears when you select "Use query drill" while Scope of Analysis is set in a
BusinessObjects Web Intelligence XI 3.0 report?
A.The Scope of Analysis is empty.
B.The Scope of Analysis is not empty.
C.The query drill mode option is enabled.
D.The query drill mode option is not enabled.
Business-Objects QAWI201V3.0 QAWI201V3.0 QAWI201V3.0 QAWI201V3.0 certification training
NO.20 Which two break properties can you use when setting Break Priority? (Choose two.)
A.Order Breaks
B.Vertical Breaks
C.Crosstab Breaks
D.Horizontal Breaks
Answer:B D
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