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Exam Code: 3107
Exam Name: Avaya (Avaya Session Border Controller Enterprise Implementation and Maintenance Exam)
One year free update, No help, Full refund!
Total Q&A: 65 Questions and Answers
Last Update: 2014-02-13
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NO.1 Where do you implement the restriction that equipment can make calls only during a defined
period of the day?
A. Routing Profile
B. Domain Polity Administration
C. Topology Hiding Profile
D. Signaling Interface
Answer: B
Avaya test questions 3107 3107 3107 braindump
NO.2 How many networks are subnets are required to commission the SBC and implement SIP
on an SBC located in the DMZ?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
Answer: D
Avaya 3107 3107 3107 exam prep
NO.3 Which pair of elements are configured in a Server Profile?
A. The IP address, the transport protocols
B. The QoS and auto-negotiation settings
C. The Time of Day rules and server FQDN
D. The default gateway and NTP IP addresses
Answer: A
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NO.4 When installing either configuration on the same hardware, which statement describes the
relationship between the standalone SBC and the SBC + EMS (“all-in-one”)?
A. The standalone SBC software is the same as the SBC + EMS (“all-in-one”) software.
B. The standalone SBC and the SBC + EMS (“all-in-one”) must be controlled by the same EMS.
C. The standalone SBC and the SBC + EMS (“all-in-one”) are identical, regardless of hardware
D. The standalone SBC requires a different EMS from the SBC + EMS (“all-in-one”).
Answer: A
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NO.5 Which entity can also function as the Personal Profile Manager (PPM) for a Remote worker
A. System Platform
B. Session Manager
C. Communication Manager
D. System Manager
Answer: B
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NO.6 If the Remote Worker cluster is using a Real Server IP and Real Server Port, over which
are these registration requests routed?
Answer: A
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NO.7 What do Media Interfaces define?
A. The IP addresses and ports for media
B. The IP addresses and URIs
C. The RTP and TCP ports for media
D. The TLS and RTP ports for media
Answer: A
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NO.8 The site survey gathers what kind of information?
A. Configuration, topology, IP addresses
B. Network bandwidth test results
C. Customer readiness data
D. Server models
Answer: C
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Article Link: http://www.itcertking.com/3107_exam.html