
Best SUN 310-813 test training guide

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Exam Code: 310-813
Exam Name: SUN (MySQL 5.0 Developer Certified Professional Exam, Part II )
One year free update, No help, Full refund!
Total Q&A: 70 Questions and Answers
Last Update: 2013-11-13

310-813 Free Demo Download: http://www.itcertking.com/310-813_exam.html

NO.1 Consider the following statement: show COUNT (*) warnings what would be the result of executing this
A. An error would be returned, as this is not valid syntax.
B. The number of current warnings would be returned.
C. The total number of warnings server-wide would be returned
Answer: B

SUN braindump   310-813 certification   310-813 original questions

NO.2 Which of the following statements are true?
A. The MylSAM storage engine should be preferred when you expect many reads and few
updates to occur
B. The MylSAM storage engine should be preferred when you expect a mix of many reads and many
updates to occur
C. The InnoDB storage engine should be preferred when you expect many reads and few updates to
D. The InnoDB storage engine should be preferred when you expect a mix of many reads and many
updates to occur
Answer: A,D

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NO.3 Which of the following is a valid method to restrict the amount of records returned from SHOW
C. limit can not be used with show warnings
Answer: A,B

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NO.4 Which of the following describe situations when MySQL generates warnings?
A. When it is not able to completely fulfill a request.
B. When a system-level error occurs.
C. When an action has possible unintended side-effects.
Answer: A,C

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NO.5 When executing multi-row operations, what should be the first thing you look for to see if anything
unexpected happened?
A. Warning/Error Count.
B. Warning/Error Codes.
C. Warning/Error messages.
Answer: A

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Article Link: http://www.itcertking.com/310-813_exam.html

