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Exam Code: HP2-B91
Exam Name: HP (Imaging and Printing Supplies - Sale )
One year free update, No help, Full refund!
Total Q&A: 50 Questions and Answers
Last Update: 2013-11-06
HP2-B91 Free Demo Download:
NO.1 What defines the total HP supplies sales?
A. average printer age, number of users, yield per cartridge
B. hardware market share, number of users, supplies market share
C. HP installed base, usage, HP supplies market share
D. market size, usage, aftermarket
Answer: A
HP HP2-B91 practice test HP2-B91 study guide HP2-B91 exam dumps HP2-B91 HP2-B91
NO.2 What is part of the HP system message?
A. HP UX, All-in-One cartridges, HP FutureSmart
B. photopaper, digital cameras, aftermarket
C. supplies, hardware, media
D. laptops, touchpads, servers, printers
Answer: C
HP HP2-B91 exam prep HP2-B91
NO.3 In which type of hardware does the majority of the current total supplies sell-out occur?
A. most current workgroup printers from this year's line-up
B. most current MFPs from this year s line-up
C. older devices than the current line-up
D. most current retail inkjet devices from this year s line-up
Answer: A
HP HP2-B91 HP2-B91 exam prep
NO.4 Which statement is correct about product life cycle of supplies?
A. It is shorter than the printer's product lifecycle.
B. It is the same as the printer's product lifecycle.
C. It is significantly longer than the printer's product lifecycle.
D. It is linked to the page coverage
Answer: C
HP exam prep HP2-B91 HP2-B91 HP2-B91 HP2-B91
NO.5 What are primary factors in the explosion of digital content.? (Select two.)
A. faster print speeds
B. analog to digital content
C. better print quality
D. mobility and the internet
Answer: B,D
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